Monday, November 18, 2019

Species Profile: Smoky Mouse

Hello again, welcome back to animals under threat. Today, we will be covering a species of mouse from Australia that is currently under threat from human influence. Please give a warm welcome to the Smoky mouse (Pseduomys fumeus).

The Smoky mouse is a small mouse that is similar in size to a small rat. Most adult smoky mouses weigh between 38-68 grams with the body length been around 90mm. The Smoky mouse tail can be around 140mm long and pinkish. The fur of this species can be pale-gray/bluish-grey with a grey/white belly and dark hairs around the eyes (, 2019). The geographic range of this species is difficult to determine as detection of said species is low, however majority of the smoky mouse have been found in south-eastern Australia (Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2016). They have been recorded to be seen in Victoria, NSW and Australian Capital Territory.

Smoky mouse by Parks Victoria.

Smoky mouse does not have a preferred vegetation community as they have been found in coastal areas to sub-alpine areas. They feed on seeds and fruit from shrubs but will also feed on small insects such as moths (, 2019). This species may live in pairs, large communal groups with one male and five females or they may live by themselves. Females give birth to one/two litters in spring with the number of pups born ranging from 1-4 (, 2019).

picture by Peter Menkhorst and Linda Broome retrieved 19/11/19

The Smoky mouse is under threat from human influences. Predation from introduced species such as the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), wild dogs (Canis lupus dingo), and feral Domestic Cats (Felis catus) have led to a decline in Smoky mouse population. Changes in flora from fire regimes has also change the Smoky mouse’s diet leading them to find other source of flora to feed on (Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2016).

Next time, we will be covering a species of fish with an unusual name.

References retrieved 19/11/19

Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2016. Pseudomys fumeus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T18550A22398566. Downloaded on 19 November 2019. PDF retrieved 19/11/19

picture references picture by Peter Menkhorst and Linda Broome retrieved 19/11/19

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